Frequently Asked Questions

When is the event?

FreshFlow occurs on the 9th September from 09:00am to 09:00pm.

The Timezone depends on the local timezone of the primary host. Currently this the UK.

Who attends FreshFlow?

FreshFlow is attended by men and women who identify and are recognised as authors, employees, entrepreneurs, experts, creatives, consultants, coaches, intrapreneurs, investors, self-employed, speakers, students, parents, philanthropists, and more.

Can anyone attend?

FreshFlow is open to everyone that is 21 years old and over, who has registered and applied to attend and is a member in good standing.

You can register to attend here.

People under that age are allowed to attend with their Parent or Guardian. 

How often does FreshFlow happen?

FreshFlow is an annual event / experience that takes place once a year on 09/09 from 09:00AM to 09:00 PM.

Do I have to attend LIVE? All the Time?

FreshFlow is best experience as a LIVE event. It is recommended that you attend for the full duration of the event in order to get maximum value.

If you would love to attend but believe the timings to be a challenge for you, then we recommend you register and then have a conversation with the team to see how to get you maximum value.

Can I attend remotely?

Yes, while FreshFlow is best experience as a LIVE event physically in the world, from day one we’ve designed it so that you can participate remotely.

In fact some members have been trained to run and host local FreshFlow experiences in their local locations all over the world.

If you would love to attend remotely then we recommend you register and then have a conversation with the team to see how to get you maximum value.

Who created FreshFlow and when ? Who is the primary Host?

FreshFlow was founded by Simon Hedley | Strategic Alchemist in 2015. You can learn more about Simon at SimonHedley.com